Creating Attendance Items¶
There are two ways you can create attendance items. The first is to create attendance items for each class by clicking on “+ Attendance Item”. The second is to create attendance items on the fly by clicking on “Take Attendance Now”.
Adding attendance items¶
To add an attendance item:
- Navigate to the “UD Attendance” tool in your Canvas course.
- Click on “+ Attendance Item”.
- Enter a name for the item (ex: Class 1). Use the calendar picker to set a date for the attendance item (required) and select a time from the time selector (optional). If no time is selected, it will be defaulted to 12:00 AM (midnight).
- Click on “Create” to add a single attendance item or click on “Create and Add Another” to continue adding additional items.
- Once the item(s) are created, you can click on the name of an item and begin taking attendance.
Taking attendance now¶
To create an attendance item using the "Take Attendance Now" feature:
- Navigate to the “UD Attendance” tool in your Canvas course.
- Click on “Take Attendance Now”.
- An attendance item will be created with the current date and time. You may adjust the date and time later if you wish. Begin taking attendance.