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Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to some commonly asked questions.

What are my rights over content I post to Perusall?

You retain complete control over your content. If instructors request that their courses be completely deleted, we do not retain any information, including posts, from them. Instructors have complete control over the content displayed and can remove the content of any post at any time.

Are my class' annotations accessible via a search engine?

No, your class' annotations are not available or accessible via search engines.

Is content I copy to Perusall accessible by anyone outside of my class'?

No. The only people who can see content posted by instructors, or posts written by students, are those given access by the instructor. If you have permission to distribute content to your students, you may distribute this information through Perusall. No one else will see it. Students who do an especially good job of writing annotations may, in special cases, be given the option of sharing a small number of their (high quality) annotations with other classes using the same reading material, as a way of sparking conversation in those classes. If students give such permission, the information is de-identified before using in other classes.

What information does Perusall collect?

If Persuall is integrated with Isidore, Perusall collects users’ names, email addresses, course roles, and other internal user and course data sent by the LMS through a standard LTI integration.