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Publish/Unpublish a Flashcard SetΒΆ

A published flashcard set is visible to the students in the Isidore site. An unpublished flashcard set is not visible to the students in the Isidore site. Card sets are "unpublished" by default when they are created. To publish or unpublish a flashcard set:

  1. Navigate to the main page of the Flashcards tool.
  2. Each of the flashcard sets has a "Published" or "Unpublished" button next to their titles.
  3. Click the "Unpublished" button to publish the flashcard set. The set will turn green, and the button will be toggled to say, "Published."
  4. Click the "Published" button to unpublish the flashcard set. The set will turn gray, and the button will be toggled to say, "Unpublished."

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