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Add a Zoom Meeting

Add a Zoom Meeting in Isidore

Meetings can be scheduled or created on-the-fly inside of Isidore. Anyone in the instructor role can create meetings in the course site. Teaching assistants and students do not have the ability to create meetings in the course site.

Within the Zoom integration in Isidore, instructors have two tabs: Show Course Meetings and Show My Meetings.

"Show Course Meetings" will let you see meetings created by ANY instructor who has access to the course site.

"Show My Meetings" will let you see ONLY the meetings that you have created yourself in the course site.

Setting up a Course Meeting in Isidore

  1. Navigate to the Isidore site where you'd like to set up a meeting.
  2. Click on the Schedule a New Meeting button.
  3. Below are the settings that you should review.

    • Topic: Adjust the default topic title if desired.
    • When: Set a time the meeting room should open to participants (required). Please note that your meeting room will be active as soon as the host (you) join it, no matter when it has been scheduled.
    • Duration: Set a duration for the meeting (required). You may set a recurring schedule if desired. Please note that the meeting room will remain active as long as the host is present in the room, even if the duration has expired.
  4. Below are the settings that you may optionally review and change, but the default settings should be sufficient.

    • Description: Add a description.
    • Registration: Forces participants to register with their email and name. See more
    • Audio: Change the audio options for participants.
    • Meeting options:

      • Require meeting password: This means that people will not be able to join the room unless they have the password. This could be useful in situations where you are trying to have a private meeting with a specific student and do not want anyone else to join.
      • Enabled Join Before Host: This option is disabled at UD.
      • Mute participants upon entry: This will mute participants mics when they join the room. They will have the option to unmute themselves at any time.
      • User Personal Meeting ID: Use this if you would like to use your personal meeting ID.
      • Enable waiting room: This feature allows the host to control when participants join the meeting. As the meeting host, you can admit attendees one by one or hold all attendees in the waiting room and admit them all at once. Participants will see a message letting them know that the meeting host will let them into the room soon.
      • Record the meeting automatically: This option allows the host to start recording automatically when the meeting starts.
    • Alternative hosts: Allows you to add an alternative host. Note: Adding an "alternative host" does not allow a host to schedule concurrent meetings. You may only host one meeting at a time.

  5. Press Save.

  6. You will see an overview of the meeting room you have set up.
  7. Click on the My Meetings link at the top to return to the main page.
  8. When you and your students navigate to the Zoom tool in Isidore, they will see a tab called "Upcoming Meetings" with your meeting listed.

Setting up a Personal Meeting in Isidore

You have the ability to your use personal meeting room to meet with specific people. Your personal meeting room is an automatically assigned permanent virtual room. You can start it at anytime or schedule it for a future use. Your students CANNOT see the "Personal Meeting Room" tab in Isidore like you can. Thus, if you start a meeting in your personal meeting room, you will need to send the address of the meeting room to any participants you would like to join you.

To arrange a meeting in your personal meeting room:

  1. Navigate to an Isidore site where you have Zoom installed.
  2. Click on the Personal Meeting Room tab.

    1. Choose one of the options below to start the meeting:
      * Copy the **Join URL**.  Paste and send via email to anyone you would like to invite to the room.
      * For a more detailed invitation, press the **Copy the invitation** link, then press the **Copy Meeting Invitation** button. Paste and send via email to anyone you would like to invite to the room.
      * In the **Time** section, click the **Google Calendar** button. Press "Yes" or "Allow" to let Zoom access your Google Calendar. Adjust the calendar date and time, add email addresses of anyone you would like to invite, then press **Save.**
      * Press the **Start this Meeting** button at the bottom of the page.

Add a Zoom Meeting outside of Isidore

Anyone at UD may host Zoom meetings outside of Isidore.

Setting up a Zoom Meeting outside of Isidore

  1. Open a browser and navigate to
  2. Click on the Host button.
  3. Sign in with your University of Dayton credentials.
  4. If this is the first time opening Zoom, follow the steps for installing the Zoom client.
  5. If you see a pop-up asking to "Open Zoom Meetings", check the box for "Always open these types of links in the associated app", then click the Open Zoom Meetings button.
  6. The Zoom room will launch. It will launch your personal meeting room.