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View a Zoom Recording

If the host has recorded the Zoom meeting, it can take several hours to process before it is available for viewing. The longer the recording, the longer it will take to process.

Viewing a Recording in Isidore - Instructors

  1. Navigate to an Isidore site where Zoom is installed.

    • You can use any Isidore site where Zoom is installed because ALL of your cloud recordings are available in each instance of the Zoom tool in Isidore.
  2. Click on the Cloud Recordings tab.

  3. Locate the meeting session that you'd like to view.
  4. Click on the title of the meeting.
  5. Click on the recording that you'd like to view.
  6. The recording will launch in a new window.

Viewing a Recording in Isidore - Students

  1. Navigate to the Isidore site where the meeting took place.
  2. Click on the Previous Recordings tab.
  3. Locate the meeting session that you'd like to view.
  4. In the "Recording" column, click on the Recording Details link.
  5. Click on the recording that you'd like to view.
  6. The recording will launch in a new window.

Sharing a Zoom Recording

Scheduled meetings will be shared in your Isidore site by default, so for those meetings, students will just need to follow the steps above to view the recording.

Recordings that you create from your personal meeting room will not show up for students in Isidore, so you must share the link to the recording if you want others to be able to see it.

Method 1

  1. Navigate to an Isidore site where Zoom is installed.

    • You can use any Isidore site where Zoom is installed because ALL of your cloud recordings are available in each instance of the Zoom tool in Isidore.
  2. Click on the Cloud Recordings tab.

  3. Locate the meeting session that you'd like to view.
  4. Click on the title of the meeting.
  5. Click on the Share link underneath the thumbnail of the recording.
  6. Copy the text in the popup window.
  7. Send the copied text via email to anyone with whom you'd like to share the recording.

    • Note: Recordings cannot be viewed by anyone outside of UD. To share with someone outside of UD, you will have to download the recording and share it as an MP4 via email or upload it into Warpwire.
    • Note: Recordings are NOT locked down to your course roster. Anyone at UD with the link to the recording may view the recording.

Method 2

  1. You will receive an email whenever your recordings are ready to be viewed.
  2. Forward the email to anyone you would like to be able to view the recording.
  3. Note:* Recordings cannot** be viewed by anyone outside of UD. To share with someone outside of UD, you will have to download the recording and share it as an MP4 via email or upload it into Warpwire.