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Add/Edit/Delete a study question

By default, students cannot see questions added by others until they add at least one study question. This setting can be changed by the instructor.

Adding a Study Question

To add a study question:

  1. Navigate to an instance of a study question on a Lessons page or subpage and click on the link.
  2. If your instructor has made it so you cannot see questions before posting your own, a form to add a study question will appear. Enter the text of the question. Enter the text of the answer. Click on Save. Alternatively, if your instructor has allowed you to see questions before posting your own, click on + Add Question, enter a question and answer, and click on Save.
  3. Your question will be added to the question list.

Editing a Study Question

To edit a study question:

  1. Navigate to an instance of a study question on a Lessons page or subpage and click on the link.
  2. Click on the edit (pencil) icon.
  3. Make the desired edits and click on Save.

Deleting a Study Question

Please use caution with removing questions from Study Questions tool. Data is not recoverable once it's deleted.

To delete a study question:

  1. Navigate to an instance of a study question on a Lessons page or subpage and click on the link.
  2. Click on the delete (trash can) icon.
  3. Click on OK to confirm deletion.

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