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Live broadcastΒΆ

If you are an instructor who would like to live broadcast to your students follow these instructions:

  1. Go into your Isidore course site.
  2. Click on the Warpwire Video tool in the course tool menu.
  3. Click on the + button.
  4. Select Live Broadcast from the drop down menu.
  5. You may need to click on Allow to give Adobe Flash access to your device.
  6. You will be given the chance to add a title and description. Click Setup Live Broadcast after adding a title and description.
  7. You will be taken to a new page where you can preview your stream.
  8. Make sure that the correct camera (under Video Source) and microphone (under Audio Source) are selected.
  9. Below the video and audio options is a link for Sharing. Click Sharing Options to modify who you want to share your stream with.
  10. After clicking Sharing Options a new popup will appear. All users in your course will automatically be able to see the stream.
  11. If you want to share the stream with other people select from the dropdown menu who you want to share the stream with.
  12. Click on the Share with additional Users and Groups: menu and choose the permission level you prefer:

    • Share with additional Users and Groups: - You can specify who has access to the videos.
    • Share with all Dayton Username users: - You can specify that everyone who has a UD account can access the video.
    • Share with everyone on the web: - You can specify that anyone can access the video.
  13. At the bottom there is a search box that allows you to share with specific users or groups. Type a user or group's name and then select them from the list when they appear to share the video with them. Note: You can only share videos with users who have an official UD Username.

  14. You can use the Share Link button to highlight and copy the link (URL) to the video. Then you can paste the link into an email to share it with the individuals you specified in the previous steps.
  15. Once you have determined your share settings, click the x in the upper right corner of the popup to close the box.
  16. When you are ready to begin broadcasting, click the Start Live Broadcast.
  17. Your live broadcast will automatically begin. You will know you are live when a red box with LIVE written in it appears above your video.
  18. In the left corner below your video you will be able to see how many people are watching your video.
  19. Next to the number of people watching now you will also see a Share link. Clicking this link will bring you to the same share popup as before and you can change your settings as in the directions above.
  20. You can broadcast live for up to an hour. You will know how long you have been broadcasting by the time listed just below the right corner of the video.
  21. When you are finished broadcasting click the Stop Live Broadcast button.
  22. When you are finished, a copy of your live broadcast will appear in course's media library.