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Upload a video from my computerΒΆ

To upload a video to Warpwire Video from your computer:

  1. Go into your Isidore course site.
  2. Click on the Warpwire Video tool from the tool menu.
  3. Click on the + button.
  4. Select Upload files from the drop down menu.
  5. Navigate to where the video file is stored on your computer, select it, and click on the Open button.
  6. If you wish, you can change the title of the video and add a description. Click on the Start Uploading button.
  7. You'll see a green progress bar at the bottom of your screen while the video is uploading.
  8. Your video will be queued while it is uploading. It will appear in grey while it is in the queue.
  9. Once it's finished uploading, your video will appear in the course's media library.