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Add/Edit/Delete Flashcards

Adding Flashcards

  1. Click on the Flashcards tool in the tool menu.
  2. Locate the card set to which you'd like to add flashcards.
  3. Click on the card set's title.
  4. Click on the Add New Card button.
  5. Side A of a given flashcard can be one of the following types:
  6. *Text: Choose this type to enter text on Side A.
  7. *Image: Choose this type to provide a URL to an image.
  8. *MP3: Choose this type to provide a URL to an MP3.
  9. *Video: Choose this type to provide a URL to a video.
  10. *Note: URLs may come from any website, but you may also upload files into your the Resources tool in Isidore sites. See directions [| for uploading files to Resources] and [| how to find the URL of a file in Resources]. If adding a Youtube URL, you must add the full URL to the video and not the short link in order for the video to appear.
  11. *Note: If the flashcards will be used in multiple sites, it is recommended that any files that are stored in Isidore's Resources tool be publicly accessible so people in multiples sites can access them. See directions [| for making a publicly accessible folder in Resources].
  12. *Note: Each side of a flashcard can ONLY be of the type that is selected. In other words, if "image" is selected, it cannot also include text on that site. Similarly, if "text" is selected, a video may not be added.
  13. Side B of a given flashcard can only be text or an image.
  14. When you have information for both Side A and Side B, click Add Card to add the card to the set. Click Cancel to discard your changes.

Editing Flashcards

  1. Click on the Flashcards tool in the tool menu.
  2. Locate the card set where you'd like to edit flashcards.
  3. Click on the card set's title.
  4. Click on the Edit button next to the flashcard you'd like to edit.
  5. Make the necessary changes to the card, then press Update Card to save your changes. Click Cancel to discard your changes.

Deleting Flashcards

  1. Click on the Flashcards tool in the tool menu.
  2. Locate the card set where you'd like to delete flashcards.
  3. Click on the card set's title.
  4. Click on the trashcan button next to the card you would like to delete. Press OK to delete the card. Press Cancel to keep the card.

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