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Add/Edit/Delete an Emoji Rating Scale

Adding an Emoji Rating Scale

To add an emoji rating scale:

  1. Click on the Emoji Ratings tool where you have added it.
  2. Click on the Get Started button.
  3. Select the Use This Scale button next to the scale you wish to use.
    • The Feeling scale can be used to measure how the students are feeling.
    • The Confidence scale can be used to measure how confident students are about what they have learned.
  4. Type the prompt to which you'd like the students to respond in the Prompt text box.
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. The emoji scale will appear wherever you placed it.

Editing an Emoji Rating Scale

To edit an emoji rating scale:

  1. Click on the Emoji Ratings tool where you have added it.
  2. Click on the Edit button.
  3. Select the Use This Scale button next to the scale you wish to use.
  4. Edit the prompt to which you'd like the students to respond.
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. The emoji rating will be updated.

Deleting an Emoji Rating Scale

To delete an emoji rating scale:

  1. Navigate to where the Emoji Ratings tool is installed in Lessons.
  2. Click on the trashcan to the right of the item.
  3. Click on the Delete button to confirm deletion.

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