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Install the Homepage BuilderΒΆ

Homepage Builder should be installed on the Overview tool of your Isidore site. However, if you don't see the widget, follow the installation steps below.

To install the Homepage Builder:

  1. Navigate to your Isidore course site.
  2. Click on the Overview tool.
  3. Click on the Manage Overview button.
  4. Click on the Homepage Builder underneath "Available Widgets". If it's not listed in the "Available Widgets" section, then it's already installed.
  5. We recommend moving the Homepage Builder to the top left position of your Overview page.
  6. When you're done moving the Homepage Builder to the desired position, click on the Save button.
  7. If this is a new instance of the Homepage Builder, you can click on the Get Started button to begin, make your desired changes, then click on Save.

Return to the main Homepage Builder page